My mission as a trainer/corrective exercise specialist is to help individuals learn about their own body mechanics, capabilities, their likes & dislikes, how to avoid, as well as work through certain current/past injuries and enjoy the process.

In this day and age, it is common knowledge that daily exercise and good nutrition play a major role in how one’s life progresses. Most people, however, continue to find themselves in a state of ‘will do’ rather than ‘doing’. There are many reasons for this. Although exercise is becoming more and more mainstream, as well as readily available through one’s handheld device, television, internet, etc, most exercise apps or routines found on the internet lack a very important feature… customization. Even so, customizing a workout based on one’s goals isn’t as beneficial as customizing to the person’s specific body type and history of movement.

Every single person has a unique body type, history of illness/injury, what they’re motivated by, as well as style of exercise they prefer. These are some of the reasons that John and Jane Doe, regardless of how similar their goals, cannot possibly be given the same exercise routine on any given day. My mission as a trainer/corrective exercise specialist is to help individuals learn about their own body mechanics, capabilities, their likes & dislikes, how to avoid, as well as work through certain current/past injuries and enjoy the process. The goal here is to train each individual to their own potential, leaving them with the knowledge of what is best for them, so that they may advance using their powers to a more healthy and active lifestyle.


About HB

Born in a generation that played outside, I have been active since birth. I realized early on that health and fitness is where I felt most comfortable and began my journey as a trainer at the age of 17. I enrolled in Kinesiology courses in school and began learning everything I possibly could about the human body, including the psychology of human movement…

While receiving my bachelor’s degree in kinesiology, I began working in physical therapy centers that offered aid positions. Before completing my degree, I worked and volunteered in several different areas of exercise and fitness such as equestrian therapy with autistic populations, aquatic exercise with people with TBI (brain injury), autism, quadriplegic, and paraplegic individuals. At one of the most distinguished physical therapy centers in California, The Glendale Adventist Therapy and Wellness Center, I was under the wing of therapists who specialized in corrective exercise, sports rehab, and spinal cord injuries. My dream of following in their footsteps to continue my education in physical therapy was cut short when I was in a motorcycle accident at the age of 25, an accident that left me with a shattered arm requiring countless surgeries and over 3 years of physical therapy. I then decided to pursue a master’s degree in kinesiology (corrective exercise). This decision brought me closer to my patients/clients by understanding their process and pain. Moreover, I learned from a research perspective how human psychology plays a role in exercise and wellness.

Since completing my master’s degree, I am happy to say that I have opened my own private center where I train clients in all areas of fitness. Most people start with the hopes of reaching a certain goal; our clients stay because they actualize those goals and realize that their potential is limitless.

 HEIBERTFIT Personal Trainer & Corrective Exercise Specialist

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review1-compressor “Maintaining a fit physique is incredibly difficult when you own a business and have a full time schedule. I’ve been able to stay accountable with Hb. A consistent schedule has truly changed the way I maintain my normal work day!”

review1-compressor “After having major ACL surgery, I was worried I couldn’t ever get back to full activity. In one year with HB, I regained not only my strength back, but lost over 26 lbs and am now power lifting and squatting more than my own body weight!”

review1-compressor “I was in a terrible car accident, that left me with multiple disc herniations in both my neck and my lower back. Hb gives me a total body workout, applying a multitude of training techniques, from circuit training, to high-intensity interval training, as well as strength, and resistance training. Incorporating plyometrics, and cardio training. He has worked on me, as a whole, and that’s why I feel great!!!”

review1-compressor “I’ve been an athlete all my life.. but as you get older, things begin to break down. This is where you need someone whose specialty is injury based training to get you back on your feet!!”

review1-compressor “I come from a family where obesity has caused many health problems for our various members and developing healthy habits is not always as easy as it seems. HB’s background in physical therapy has helped to make sure I get a good workout in without injuring myself….”

review1-compressor “I’ve always been an athlete at heart, going from playing competitive sports to working full time. I lost the momentum i used to have; I slowed down, got weak and felt depressed. HB has helped me push myself in ways i never thought I could.”

review1-compressor “I was in a wheelchair for months following a motorcycle accident, but HB got me back on my feet, not just walking…but running, hiking and riding a bike again. I dropped the fat and put back on the muscle.”

review1-compressorBuilding up muscle and staying fit are always a challenge, but especially during the COVID lockdown. HB’s inspired workouts and training sessions have kept my fitness program on track.”


Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Customized sessions for every body type, history of illness/injury, and style of exercise.